business of general practice SHORTCUT Business of GP

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Some notes are provided below the video

The Business of General Practice

The Business of General Practice (39:54), Ivy Grove Surgery

For separate, shorter videos, including individual links for sharing on waiting room screens, please visit our news page


Business of GP

The above is an infographic video on the Business of General Practice. It is aimed at everybody, including all patients, and also GP teams.

This video is not a short vox pop job. Explaining General Practice isn’t easy. It’s vastly more complex than simply ‘it’s rubbish, I just can’t get an appointment’. But if you are interested in understanding why things are so difficult, and want to see behind the political soundbites, then we strongly encourage you to spend some time learning more about General Practice. After all, you never know when you might need to make use of it.


This video was written and designed © Dr M Wong, Ivy Grove Surgery, 2024. Please do not post the video elsewhere, on social media or on any other website, or duplicate, modifiy or share the video without permission. You may, however, freely share the link to this page, which is

Soundtrack is 'Odyssey' © Kevin MacLeod is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .

Other resources

You will find shorter, separate versions of the above video on our news page.

Please also visit our opinion page for more resources, or check out our much shorter State of General Practice and Politics of General Practice videos.


All views expressed are the opinion of Ivy Grove Surgery, and are not endorsed by any NHS or government organisation, however all information presented within can be fully corroborated by those inclined to do their own research. In doing so, readers are therefore very welcome to come to their own conclusions about what is currently happening in the NHS and in particular, General Practice.


This page including all content is © 2013- Dr Michael Wong and may not be reproduced without permission. Practices wishing to adapt or use any of our information should get in touch first